Neil Stevenson bei Reason

Reason bringt ein Interview mit Neil Stevenson, dem Autor von Cryptonomicon und dem Barock-Zyklus über Wissenschaft, Marktwirtschaft, die USA nach dem 11. September, und über das 17. Jahrhundert, das den Rahmen für seinen Barock-Zyklus bildet:

The medieval is still very much alive and well during this period. People are carrying swords around. Military units have archers. Saracens snatch people from European beaches and carry them off to slavery. There are Alchemists and Cabalists. Great countries are ruled by kings who ride into battle wearing armor. Much of the human landscape – the cities and architecture – are medieval. And yet the modern world is present right next to all of this in the form of calculus, joint-stock companies, international financial systems, etc. This can’t but be fascinating to a novelist.

(Via Kottke, der jetzt hauptberuflich bloggt.)